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Best on page SEO tips

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Best on page SEO tips

If you’re interested in making a website optimized and SEO-friendly, then you need to follow the best on page SEO tips. In this article we are going to explain how you can use on page SEO techniques to optimize your website and attract traffic to it. Make sure to read our tips carefully and follow them step-by-step in order to have a successful website and therefore business in no time!

Include keywords in the first 100 words

We have already mentioned that the target keyword you have chosen should be as close as possible to the beginning of the title. Along with this move, however, a very useful On-Page SEO practice is the addition of the main, as well as the individual keywords, to the first 100 words of the text. This practice helps your content to be positively evaluated by Google and, consequently, to gain positions in search results.

Optimize images

The name of the images you embed on a page should include the targeted keyword. For example, “on-page-seo.jpg”. In addition, your keyword should be part of the Alt Text and Title Text of the image: e.g. “On-page SEO tactics to follow”. So make sure that each image on your page includes the corresponding alt texts and title texts!

Add Internal Links

These are links that lead to different pages within the same website. Use at least 3 Internal Links within each page to increase the average number of pages that users visit when navigating your website.

Add Outbound Links

Use a referral from an experienced source, which has a very good Page Ranking. Be careful, though! Outbound Links drive users out of your website. Therefore, it is good that the link opens in a new tab, to avoid the bounce rate.

Increase the speed of your website

The speed of a website is another critical SEO factor. Published surveys reveal that 75% of users would not return to a website that takes more than 4 seconds to load! Google seems to be just as reluctant to give your website a premium.


Do not forget the share buttons

They may not be the dominant SEO factor, but they do help boost a page’s popularity, which is definitely a positive assessment by Google. Just think that adding social media buttons to the bottom of a page can increase social sharing by 700%! Use social media in order to make your website visible to more people.

You were going to need to share your articles from your blog, make them even sponsored on some platforms so that you can attract more people and target a larger audience. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and even LinkedIn are some great platforms to “advertise” and promote your page and content.

On-Page SEO requires scope

If your team has experienced copywriters, ask them to produce more extensive content. Google gives content with the largest number of characters. The text on each page should be at least 300 words, while pages with more than 1000 words tend to be even more popular on social sharing.

See more about SEO


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